Jack Long Park

Jack Long Park

Jack Long Park is a green space directly west of the Alexandra Centre in Inglewood. The park is a recreational space for families and youth.

About the park

Jack Long was a nationally respected architect, planner and community activist who profoundly impacted the nature of Calgary communities. Long believed in true participation planning; he fought for the right of every community to be given the opportunity to have meaningful involvement in the future of their community. The park was named in his honour in 2006. This beautiful park gives Calgarians living and working in Inglewood another space that creates a sense of belonging and community.

Address: 922 9 Ave. S.E.

Area: 0.46 hectares 

Hours: 5 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Park features

  • Natural play area
  • Picnic tables
  • Family style harvest table and chairs
  • Sculptural “Music Mile” bike racks
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Jack Long Park reopened in July 2022 following an extensive redevelopment.

Construction to redevelop Jack Long Park began in October 2018 and was briefly suspended in the summer of 2019 with the discovery of archaeological materials  associated with both a pre-contact First Nations occupation and historic resources from Calgary’s early days. An archeological assessment of the site was completed in the fall of 2019, and construction resumed in spring 2020.

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