About the park

The City is currently undertaking improvements at Munro Park, situated at the intersection of 18 Avenue and Edmonton Trail N.E. in Winston Heights and Mountview communities.

Established in 1948, Munro Park has a rich history. During the first half of the 20th century, Winston Heights/Mountview was home to rural homesteads provided to World War II veterans. The park is positioned within one block of Main Street and the Primary Transit Network corridors and is a pivotal component of the evolving landscape.

While Munro Park is already well-utilized, there is ample potential to enrich the local community further, stimulate business activities, and enhance connectivity in the area. While the City has already implemented some improvements, a vision remains to introduce playful amenities and seamlessly connect different park spaces, fostering creativity, enjoyment, and inclusivity throughout all seasons.

Identified as part of the City of Calgary’s Established Area Growth and Change Strategy (EAGCS), the Munro Park Improvement Project aims to enhance the quality and capacity of the existing park by introducing appropriate amenities. Our overarching goal is to elevate Munro Park as a vibrant destination community park, catering to the needs of neighbourhood residents and visitors alike, promoting active living, supporting area growth, and fostering community cohesion. The City is committed to considering the surrounding communities’ needs, prioritizing traffic calming and pedestrian access, and providing seasonal-appropriate uses and programming. The conceptual design for Phase 2 improvements will align with engagement findings and address the needs of civic partners and interest holders.

Phase 1 construction of the Masterplan for Munro Park was completed in 2017, incorporating a walking/running track with exercise nodes, additional picnic areas, tree planting, shrubbery, and the removal of the baseball diamond.

Current engagement efforts aim to refine design proposals outlined in Phase 2 improvements of the park Masterplan, completed in 2014. Proposed enhancements include an upgraded playground, a small skatepark, additional pathways, and a drinking fountain. Public engagement processes will shape the final scope of work.

The "What We Heard" report with the most recent engagement findings will be released in the spring of 2024, followed by the development of detailed design concepts in the summer of 2024.

Construction for park improvements is anticipated to commence in 2025, with a planned reopening in the fall of the same year*.

*Construction activities are dependent on several factors. Timelines may change due to inclement weather, complexity, supply chain, and/or other unexpected circumstances.

Frequently asked questions

Why are we improving Munro Park?

While Phase 1 of the Munro Park Improvements was completed in 2017, Phase 2 of the Masterplan was slated to be constructed in 2020 but has yet to be fulfilled. As engagement was initially done in 2014, the community's needs have likely changed, and therefore we need to re-engage for the Phase 2 work. Munro Park is ready for re-investment and life-cycling at this time.

Phase 1 included: enhancing the entries, constructing a walking/running track with exercise nodes, installing picnic tables, benches, and planting trees and shrubs.

Phase 2 proposed (to be confirmed with the community through engagement): replacing and enhancing the dated play equipment, expanding the play area, a small potential skatepark or other amenity, additional paths, and a drinking fountain.

Munro Park was chosen through the EAGCS program. The Established Area Growth and Change Strategy (EAGCS) is a program of work that includes policy, procedure, and public space capital investment improvements in the established area. Winston Heights-Mountview and other nearby communities are experiencing greater growth and change than others in the established area. As a result, the EAGCS identified North Hill LAP area as a focus area for established area investment. Munro Park was identified in the North Hill Local Area Plan.

We are enthusiastic about pursuing our initial commitment to the community for Phase 2 of the Munro Park Masterplan.

Where is the project located?

Munro Park is located at 425 18 Ave. and Edmonton Trail N.E. in the communities of Winston Heights-Mountview, Calgary.

How much is the project going to cost / where is the funding coming from?

The total capital investment is $2.3M. This includes all project costs from start to finish, including engagement, consulting, design and construction. Funding for this project comes from the Established Areas Growth and Change Strategy.

As Winston Heights-Mountview and other nearby communities are experiencing greater growth and change than others in the established area, the EAGCS identified the North Hill LAP area as a focus area for investment in the established area.

When will construction take place, and how long will it take?

Although several factors may influence the construction schedule, the project is expected to be completed within the 2025 construction season.

Timelines may change due to inclement weather, complexity, supply chain, and/or other unexpected circumstances.

What public engagement has been done?

A first round of engagement for Phase 2 of the Munro Park improvements was held online and in various locations from February to March 2024.

The initial draft concepts will be available publicly for comment online in May 2024.

For more information on past engagements and the preliminary draft concept designs, please visit https://engage.calgary.ca/munropark.

Your input, along with that of other citizens and interested parties, will help City leaders and decision-makers better understand the perspectives, opinions, and concerns of people potentially impacted by City decisions. Public input is collected, where appropriate, and considered along with other factors (including cost, environmental impact, technical limitations, long-range plans/goals, etc.) before making decisions.

The City’s Engage Policy ensures we set a standard of excellence when working with citizens and interest holders by consistently following engagement best practices across The Corporation. At the conclusion of the engagement period, we will produce a What We Heard Report that summarizes the feedback, analyzes it, and determines with all interested parties what feedback is appropriate to implement in the final design. This report will be made available at https://engage.calgary.ca/munropark.

What is the size of the space?

The park space is approximately 30,900 square meters (approximately 7.5 acres or 3 hectares).

What changes are being proposed?

Currently, The City has no confirmed re-design plan for Munro Park. The City is taking the originally planned PH2 Masterplan, which was done in 2014, and re-engaging with the public to determine what is still desired or needs to be added based on current neighbourhood needs.

What determines what we can do with the site?

The budget, environmental impact, technical limitations, public feedback, and long-range plans/goals of various interest holders will impact what is done on-site. The limited number of parking stalls currently available risks overburdening the site with larger amenities, such as pump tracks, that would encourage a City-wide draw. We will implement amenities that retain the Park's status as a neighbourhood park to reduce parking impacts on the surrounding community.

Due to the proximity of adjacent residences, we will not consider supporting excessively noisy activities on site, such as pickleball.

Will there be an off-leash area or dog park incorporated into Munro Park?

Munro Park is not currently listed as having an off-leash dog area. Future plans for one will depend on engagement results and regulations.

Address: 425 18 Ave NE


Hours: 5 a.m. - 11 p.m.

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