Bend in the Bow

The City of Calgary just completed public engagement for the Bend in the Bow. 

Bend in the Bow is a project name used by The City to encompass the redevelopment of Pearce Estate Park, the green spaces along the Bow River, IBS, and the Inglewood Wildlands. View the site map for a look at this new park space. The name comes from the bends in the Bow River around Pearce Estate Park and the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.

The goal of the project was to explore and address ways to connect the Wildlands and Bird Sanctuary with Pearce Estate Park, and to preserve, enhance and celebrate the natural environment and cultural heritage of the area. Throughout the engagement process, our external partners and the public gave us valuable feedback that helped shape the preferred concept for the project and uncover stories of the area.

We'd like to thank Calgarians for all their support and feedback. On Thursday, October 13, we unveiled the grand vision for the project. Review the grand vision presentation boards and read the stories for the Bend in the Bow.

Public engagement began in 2014. Read the What We Heard reports to learn more about engagement for the Bend in the Bow:

Phase 1: Report #1, Report #2, Wrap Up report
Phase 2: Report #1, Report #2, Wrap Up report

Harvie Passage Facility Enhancement Plan

The Harvie Passage Facility Enhancement Plan has received funding and approval to proceed with several short-term improvements.

Next Steps

The Bend in the Bow Redevelopment Plan Updates will be moving into another phase of public engagement with community members and interested parties for affirmation of what was previously heard, and to evaluate the proposals of the redevelopment plan and update the plan’s content to ensure alignment with the community context.

Harvie Passage, identified in the 2017 Bend in the Bow Redevelopment Plan, is a parallel project that has developed a Facility Enhancement Plan that outlines short-, medium- and long-term recommendations that would improve the experience for all visitors of Harvie Passage. Once approved by council, the enhancement plan recommendations will be incorporated into the Bend in the Bow Redevelopment Plan and will then move into an implementation phase with detailed design work, confirming funding and documents for construction.


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